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Priors Field Primary School

Polish Day

Polish Day 12th April 2019

What a fabulous finish to the spring term with another fantastic day of Modern Foreign Language awareness. Children have enjoyed learning about Polish Easter traditions and culture. We have also had a very special guest in our assembly this morning - Mrs Paprocka, who read ‘Złotowłosa i trzy misie /Goldilocks and the three Bears’ in Polish. Hannah and Amelie also played a Polish dance song on their guitars beautifully. The children have learnt Polish greetings, numbers to 10 and colours. Mrs Paprocka read one more book to Year 2 with Iga’s help. There have been lots of creative activities including brilliant ribbon weaving patterns on Easter eggs and painted wooden shaped Easter eggs. We have also tasted Polish food; Rosół (Polish chicken soup) and PRZYSMAK ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKI (Polish snack). Thank you Mrs Paprocka and family for supporting our Polish Day.

Dziękuję Ci (thank you) and Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych (Happy Easter), Mrs Cain

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