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Priors Field Primary School

About Us

We are a school where children and adults work and flourish together in a warm and stimulating atmosphere underpinned by enthusiasm, encouragement and high expectations. We make sure your children’s happiness and safety is at the heart of all we do. For the children to reach their full potential we value working in partnership with you as parents, carers and colleagues and try to involve you in your child’s learning and the life of the school as much as possible and in a variety of ways.

We are a school that loves the outdoors, and we are especially proud of our wonderful Environmental Area and Forest School teaching which we use in our learning as much as possible. Our outdoor learning ethos enriches our curriculum inside the classroom too where we endeavour to achieve the highest academic standards. Computing is a strength at Priors Field with an enviable computing suite and dedicated specialist teaching. Our outdoor learning and Computing provision have benefited hugely from the investment and support of our successful PTA. Our children enjoy celebrating and creating fantastic art work and take part in high quality performances throughout the year. They experience a wide range of extracurricular activities and with our beautiful setting and large playing fields, actively take part in a wide variety of sports.

We hope that you will enjoy browsing our website which captures our happy children enjoying the busy life of our school. I would be pleased to discuss your child’s education with you and our children would be delighted to show you their school. Please contact the office for an appointment or email us with any queries. We look forward to meeting you.

Katie Gane


      • Ofsted